MMV #015: How to Rotate Faster to Gain Velocity

Apr 10, 2023


We all know how important the mental game is, but how many of us practice it?


Alan Jaeger has an incredible resource on the mental game.


Check out his Mental Warrior Program to truly take your game to the next level.



Read time: 2 minutes


Rotational velocity of the chest is positively correlated with velocity.


But that doesn't mean we rotate our shoulders as fast as we can.


In fact, you will rotate faster by NOT trying to rotate faster.


The two biggest contributors to torso rotational velocity are:


1. Stopping pelvis rotation

2. Delaying torso rotation until after foot plant


Let’s dive in.


1. Stopping Pelvis Rotation


In order for the next segment of the kinematic sequence to accelerate, the previous one has to decelerate.


The faster it can decelerate (stop) after reaching peak rotational velocity, the faster the next segment can go. 


Note: This is all happening AFTER foot plant.


Signs pelvis isn’t stopping rotation fast enough:


  • Lead knee bows out
  • Lead knee continues to flex after FP


These are likely caused by not enough internal rotation in the lead hip.




2. Delaying Torso Rotation Until After FP


Ideally the chest is slightly counter rotated at foot plant and rotation is delayed for a little bit after foot plant. 


That delay is critical to maximizing rotational velocity.




Causes of not delaying torso rotation:


  • Chest is open at FP
  • Early ER with glove side
  • Poor load (leads to early rotation)
  • Too much counter rotation with chest 





  • Stop pelvis rotation
  • Delay torso rotation
  • Look for possible causes 


That's all for this week.


See you next Monday!



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1. If you are looking for something more hands on, I'd recommend starting with one of our affordable services:

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