MMV #021: The Pace of your Bullpens

May 22, 2023


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Read time: 2 minutes


Have you ever thought about what the pace of your bullpen should be?


It might seem like a minor detail, but the focus of your bullpen should decide what that pace is.


There are 2 types of bullpens:

Internal focus (over the rubber)

External focus (over the plate)


Internal Focus


If you are working on a pitch or something mechanical, it should be a slower pace.


The reason is because you will need time to look at video or talk through a cue.


When you have an internal focus, it inherently requires more thought and time.


If you are ripping through pitches during a pitch design or mechanics focused pen, you are likely not accomplishing what is important.


External Focus


This is when you are focused on pitch execution.


Think simulated batters or game situations.


These scenarios require game speed and quicker adjustments pitch to pitch. 


It all starts with having a clarity on what the goal is for your bullpen.


Internal and external focused bullpens both serve a purpose. 


Trouble comes when you get caught in between what you are working on.


We wrote a Twitter thread on over the rubber versus over the plate bullpens a couple months back.


Take a look at the pace of these Mets pitchers.


What do you notice?


When we are focused on executing, we want to practice the pace we have in game.


Use a stopwatch to bring awareness to how long it takes you between pitches.


We often see young pitchers fly through their bullpen.


There’s no intention or focus, just rapid fire of their pitches.


A mature pitcher has a plan and executes it.


Have clarity on what you are trying to achieve every time you step on the mound.




  • Slower pace for over the rubber
  • Game pace for over the plate
  • Use a stopwatch for feedback
  • Have clarity on what the focus is 



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways we can help you:

1. If you are looking for something more hands on, we'd recommend starting with one of our affordable services:

 Coaching for Coaches: Schedule a call and we'll help you design development plans for your players, teach you the fundamentals of mechanics, and answer any pitching development questions you have.

→ Mechanical AnalysisWe'll analyze your delivery with 21 checkpoints and give you an actionable plan to improve.

2. Join 13,000+ followers for daily threads and tweets on pitching development.


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